How do I resolve type 'Timestamp' is not a subtype of type 'String' in type cast

Thanks to @Reed, for pointing to the right direction. When passing DateTime value to FireStore there seem no issues for firebase to take that value as Timestamp, however when getting it back it needs to be properly handled. Anyways, here is example, that works both ways:

import 'package:cloud_firestore/cloud_firestore.dart'; //<-- dependency referencing Timestamp
import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart';

part 'test_date.g.dart';

@JsonSerializable(anyMap: true)
class TestDate {

  @JsonKey(fromJson: _dateTimeFromTimestamp, toJson: _dateTimeAsIs)
  final DateTime theDate; 


   factory TestDate.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {     
     return _$TestDateFromJson(json);
  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$TestDateToJson(this);

  static DateTime _dateTimeAsIs(DateTime dateTime) => dateTime;  //<-- pass through no need for generated code to perform any formatting

  static DateTime _dateTimeFromTimestamp(Timestamp timestamp) {
    return DateTime.parse(timestamp.toDate().toString());

Use JsonConverter

class TimestampConverter implements JsonConverter<DateTime, Timestamp> {
  const TimestampConverter();

  DateTime fromJson(Timestamp timestamp) {
    return timestamp.toDate();

  Timestamp toJson(DateTime date) => Timestamp.fromDate(date);

class User{
  final String id;
  final DateTime timeCreated;

  User([, this.timeCreated]);

  factory User.fromSnapshot(DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot) =>
["_id"] = documentSnapshot.documentID);

  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$UserToJson(this)..remove("_id");