How the author name could be made italic in citation using biblatex?

You are able to change the formatting of all last names that appear in your citations


...and then reset the formatting before \printbibliography so that the names appear in upright font in the bibliography. Your MWE would become:

    Address = {USA},
    Author = {Alexander, Christopher and Ishikawa, Sara and Silverstein, Murray},
    Date-Added = {2010-02-24 11:14:54 +1100},
    Date-Modified = {2010-06-01 12:10:48 +1000},
    Publisher = {{Oxford University Press}},
    Title = {{A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction}},
    Year = {1977}}

% Renew formatting of the last name to add emphasis
% Revert formatting of the last name for bibliography


\noindent Text citation: \textcite[pp 45]{ALEXANDER1977apl}



End result: citation and bibliography

