How to colorize some of the output of a shell-script?

With zsh instead of bash:



ips=(88.86.120.{212,223,250,213,103} 46.234.104.{23,24})

print '\n\n'

for ip ($ips) {
  spfquery -sender $email -ip $ip -helo &&
    color=green || color=red

  print -P "%F{$color}$ip%f\n"

print -P turns on prompt expansion on the arguments where %F{color} is to set the foreground colour, and %f to reset it.

Note that the content of the variables in there ($color and $ip) are also subject to prompt expansion (something to bear in mind in cases where they may contain % characters (or more if the promptsubst option is enabled)), and escape sequence (like \n above) expansion.

Other ways to access colours in zsh:

  • the colors autoloadable function:

    autoload colors; colors
    echo $fg[green]text$reset_color
  • the % parameter expansion flag, that enables prompt expansion on the content of a variable:

    var='%F{green}' reset=%f
    echo ${(%)var}text${(%)reset}

    see also:

    echo ${(%):-green}text${(%):-%f}


    printf '%s\n' "${(%):-green}$text${(%):-%f}"

    to guarantee the content of $text is output as-is.

  • the zsh/curses module used to write pseudo-graphical applications in the terminal.

You would want to check the exit code of spfquery, then have an if/else to see if it was a pass or not. Something like this:




declare -a ips=("" "" "" "" "" "" "")

echo -e "\n\n"

for ip in "${ips[@]}"
    spfquery -sender $email -ip $ip -helo

    if [ $exit_status -eq 0 ]; then
        echo -e "${GREEN}$ip${NOCOLOR}"
        echo -e "${RED}$ip${NOCOLOR}"

    echo -e "\n\n"

I would like the resulting message starting with any of these […] to colorize in red.

Your question reads that you would like to colour the output generated by the spfquery command. This is not achieved by running the command and then emitting colour change control sequences. What you are achieving with the other answers is colouring just the IP addresses. This may be what you want, but it is not what your question asks for.

The tools that you are looking for if this is what you really want to do are the various colourization filter utilities, such as István Karaszi's colorize, Radovan Garabík's grc, and Joakim Andersson's colortail. Configure them to recognize the appropriate things, and then pipe the output of spfquery, or indeed the entire for loop, through them.

Further reading
