How to draw a maple leaf in TikZ?

Oak Leaf only with basic function of Tikz



\draw[scale=3,domain=0:180,variable=\t, samples=500]
plot (%
{1/100*(cos(\t))^9*(cos(5*\t))^10 +1/4*sin(2*\t)*(1-1/2*(sin(10*\t))^2)*(1-(cos(\t)*cos(3*\t))^8)

enter image description here

Simply based on rpapa's answer and the formulas in the question, here is a working .tex file which can be compiled with pdflatex:



\draw[scale=3, domain=0:180, variable=\t, samples=500, fill=red]
plot (%
( (1/4)*(cos(30*\t))^2 + (1/9)*(cos(30*\t))^12) *  (1-(sin(6*\t))^10)
*(1 - (cos(\t))^10 * (cos(3*\t))^2)
(-21/20)*cos(2*\t)*(1 - (cos(\t))^4 + (1/2)*(cos(\t)*cos(3*\t))^10)
( (1/4)*(cos(30*\t))^4 + (1/10)*(cos(30*\t))^12 )
( 1 - ((cos(\t))^10) * (cos(3*\t))^2 )
( 1 - (sin(6*\t))^10 )

I left in my original line-breaks and potentially unnecessary parentheses.


I recommend qtikz or ktikz on GNU/Linux to easily preview TikZ pictures.

Also, when copying the formulas, make sure to always add a "*" between numbers and "\t". I am not sure why it is necessary, but TikZ seems to read things like "6\t" wrong without giving any errors.

Maple leaf generated with TikZ

red Maple leaf generated with TikZ


Tikz Pgf