How to draw an arrow with a label head inside a tabular?

I would draw this with a tikz matrix, which gives you a lot more possibilities. For example, with the code:

\documentclass {standalone}
\usepackage    {tikz}


\begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=round,line join=round]
  \matrix(D)[matrix of nodes,row sep=\sep,column sep=\sep]
         1 &          &          &          &          &          &          & \\
         1 &        1 &          &          &          &          &          & \\
         1 &        2 &        1 &          &          &          &          & \\
         1 &        3 &        3 &        1 &          &          &          & \\
         1 &        4 &        6 &        3 &        1 &          &          & \\
         1 &        5 &       10 &       10 &        5 &        1 &          & \\
         1 &        6 &       15 &       20 &       15 &        6 &        1 & \\
  $\vdots$ & $\vdots$ & $\vdots$ & $\vdots$ & $\vdots$ & $\vdots$ & $\vdots$ & $\ddots$ \\
    \foreach\x/\y in{1/1, 2/1, 3/2, 4/3, 5/5, 6/8, 7/13}
        \draw[thick,red,->] (D-\x-1.south) --++ (2*\sep+1.8*\sep*\x,0) node[right, rotate=45] {\y};

You'll get: enter image description here

You are misusing the table with extra coloumn and row to make the arrows longer. If you want the arrows parallel and end in a nice way, tikzmark does not make sense as it draws the arrows relative to the numbers or in your case the extra empty cells

This looks terrible:

\documentclass[preview, border=1cm]{standalone}


\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay, >=stealth, shift={(0,0)}]
  \draw[->] (pic cs:#1) -- (pic cs:#2) node[above right]{#3};


               &         &\tikzmark{y}{} &               &     &   &&&&\\[2em] %\cline{1-6}
               &1        &\tikzmark{b}{} &\tikzmark{d}{} &     &     &&&&\\[2em]  
\tikzmark{x}{} &1        &1              &\tikzmark{f}{} &\tikzmark{h}{}&  &&&&\\[2em]  
\tikzmark{a}{} &1        &2              &1              &\tikzmark{j}{}&\tikzmark{l}{} &&&&\\[2em]  
\tikzmark{c}{} &1        &3              &3              &  1&  &&&&\\[2em]  
\tikzmark{e}{} &1        &4              &6              &4&1&&&  \\[2em]
\tikzmark{g}{} &1        &5              &10             &10&5&1&&  \\[2em]
\tikzmark{i}{} &1        &6              &15             &20&15&6&1&  \\[2em]
\tikzmark{k}{} &$\vdots$ &$\vdots$       &$\vdots$       & $\vdots$ & $\vdots$ & $\vdots$ & $\vdots$ & $\ddots$

Table with arrow sums

To rotate the sums as in your drawing, you can use this:

\draw[->] (pic cs:#1) -- (pic cs:#2) node[above right, rotate=45]{#3};  

This is a bit different, but why don't you use a matrix? For example:

\documentclass[preview, border=1cm]{standalone}
\usetikzlibrary{tikzmark, matrix, calc, arrows.meta, backgrounds}

        orange!20, line width=1.2em, cap=round, -Triangle Cap},]
        \matrix (m) [matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells,
        nodes = {circle, minimum width=3em, anchor=center},
            1 &   &    &    &    &   &\\
            1 & 1 &    &    &    &   &\\
            1 & 2 & 1  &    &    &   &\\
            1 & 3 & 3  & 1  &    &   &\\
            1 & 4 & 6  & 4  & 1  &   &\\
            1 & 5 & 10 & 10 & 5  & 1 &\\
            1 & 6 & 15 & 20 & 15 & 6 & 1\\
        \begin{scope}[on background layer]
            \draw [myline] ( -- ( -- ++(45:1) coordinate(t1);
            \draw [myline] ( -- ($(!0.5!($) -- ++(45:1) coordinate(t2);
            \draw [myline] ( -- ( -- ++(45:1) coordinate(t3);
            \draw [myline] ( -- ($(!0.5!($) -- ++(45:1) coordinate(t4);
            \draw [myline] ( -- ( -- ++(45:1) coordinate(t5);
            \draw [myline] ( -- ($(!0.5!($) -- ++(45:1) coordinate(t6);
            \draw [myline] ( -- ( -- ++(45:1) coordinate(t7);
        \foreach [count=\i] \tot in {1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13} \node[font=\bfseries] at (t\i) {\tot}; 

enter image description here