How to execute an IN lookup in SQL using Golang?

With PostgreSQL, at least, you have the option of passing the entire array as a string, using a single placeholder:

db.Query("select 1 = any($1::integer[])", "{1,2,3}")

That way, you can use a single query string, and all the string concatenation is confined to the parameter. And if the parameter is malformed, you don't get an SQL injection; you just get something like: ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "xyz"

Query just takes varargs to replace the params in your sql so, in your example, you would just do

rows, err := stmt.Query(10)

say, this and that of your second example were dynamic, then you'd do

stmt, err := db.Prepare("SELECT * FROM awesome_table WHERE id=$1 AND other_field IN ($2, $3)")
rows, err := stmt.Query(10,"this","that")

If you have variable args for the "IN" part, you can do (play)

package main

import "fmt"
import "strings"

func main() {
    stuff := []interface{}{"this", "that", "otherthing"}
    sql := "select * from foo where id=? and name in (?" + strings.Repeat(",?", len(stuff)-1) + ")"
    fmt.Println("SQL:", sql)
    args := []interface{}{10}
    args = append(args, stuff...)
    // This also works, but I think it's harder for folks to read

func fakeExec(args ...interface{}) {
    fmt.Println("Got:", args)

Incase anyone like me was trying to use an array with a query, here is an easy solution.


ids := []int{1, 2, 3}
q,args,err := sqlx.In("SELECT id,username FROM users WHERE id IN(?);", ids) //creates the query string and arguments
//you should check for errors of course
q = sqlx.Rebind(sqlx.DOLLAR,q) //only if postgres
rows, err := db.Query(q,args...) //use normal POSTGRES/ANY SQL driver important to include the '...' after the Slice(array)

It looks like you may be using the pq driver. pq recently added Postgres-specific Array support via pq.Array (see pull request 466). You can get what you want via:

stmt, err := db.Prepare("SELECT * FROM awesome_table WHERE id= $1 AND other_field = ANY($2)")
rows, err := stmt.Query(10, pq.Array([]string{'this','that'})

I think this generates the SQL:

SELECT * FROM awesome_table WHERE id=10 AND other_field = ANY('{"this", "that"}');

Note this utilizes prepared statements, so the inputs should be sanitized.


