How to find last merge in git?
Looks like this is my best bet:
I edited ~/.gitconfig, adding:
[branch "master"]
mergeoptions = --no-ff
Then if I'm on master and I merge in a branch, it shows it as a full merge. Having that as a config option for just "master" shows how awesome git is, so I can still FF merges within branches, where I'm likely to have a lot of short-lived topic branches, and I don't have to remember to specify --no-ff when merging on master. Beautiful.
I use this alias for viewing logs:
k = log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr, %cd) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit
> git k (similar to the gui gitk, but stays in the terminal)
When I view logs that way, it paints a nice picture of the branching. If I want to find the last one, I can do
> git show :/"Merge branch 'staging'"
Thanks for the help.
EDIT: As @jefromi noted in the comments to the first answer, this is probably a better technique git log --merges -n 1
git log --merges -n 1
works well. From man git-log
Print only merge commits. This is exactly the same as --min-parents=2.
Here's an example using --pretty=format:"%H"
to get just the SHA.
$ git log --pretty=format:"%H" --merges -n 1
Credit goes to Jefromi for their comment on another answer.
An alternative which does not rely on the content of the commit message:
$ git rev-list --min-parents=2 --max-count=1 HEAD
selects only commits which are merges, --max-count=1
only shows the first commit when going back in history. If the specified commit (HEAD
) does not have any merge commits in its history, the output will be empty.
Try this, it will select the last branch where the commit message starts with "Merge":
git show :/^Merge
Here's a website with a few git tips that might help you out.