How to get next (or previous) enum value in C#

Thanks to everybody for your answers and feedback. I was surprised to get so many of them. Looking at them and using some of the ideas, I came up with this solution, which works best for me:

public static class Extensions

    public static T Next<T>(this T src) where T : struct
        if (!typeof(T).IsEnum) throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Argument {0} is not an Enum", typeof(T).FullName));

        T[] Arr = (T[])Enum.GetValues(src.GetType());
        int j = Array.IndexOf<T>(Arr, src) + 1;
        return (Arr.Length==j) ? Arr[0] : Arr[j];            

The beauty of this approach, that it is simple and universal to use. Implemented as generic extension method, you can call it on any enum this way:

return eRat.B.Next();

Notice, I am using generalized extension method, thus I don't need to specify type upon call, just .Next().

Probably a bit overkill, but:

eRat value = eRat.B;
eRat nextValue = Enum.GetValues(typeof(eRat)).Cast<eRat>()
        .SkipWhile(e => e != value).Skip(1).First();

or if you want the first that is numerically bigger:

eRat nextValue = Enum.GetValues(typeof(eRat)).Cast<eRat>()
        .First(e => (int)e > (int)value);

or for the next bigger numerically (doing the sort ourselves):

eRat nextValue = Enum.GetValues(typeof(eRat)).Cast<eRat>()
        .Where(e => (int)e > (int)value).OrderBy(e => e).First();

Hey, with LINQ as your hammer, the world is full of nails ;-p

Do you really need to generalize this problem? Can you just do this instead?

public void SomeMethod(MyEnum myEnum)
    MyEnum? nextMyEnum = myEnum.Next();

    if (nextMyEnum.HasValue)

public static MyEnum? Next(this MyEnum myEnum)
    switch (myEnum)
        case MyEnum.A:
            return MyEnum.B;
        case MyEnum.B:
            return MyEnum.C;
        case MyEnum.C:
            return MyEnum.D;
            return null;



