How to prevent some HTTP methods from being exported from my MongoRepository?

Why not just use like this?

public class SpringDataRestConfiguration implements RepositoryRestConfigurer {

    public void configureRepositoryRestConfiguration(RepositoryRestConfiguration restConfig) {

Thanks to Oliver, here are the methods to override:

@RepositoryRestResource(collectionResourceRel = "people", path = "people")
public interface PersonRepository extends MongoRepository<Person, String> {

    // Prevents GET /people/:id
    @RestResource(exported = false)
    public Person findOne(String id);

    // Prevents GET /people
    @RestResource(exported = false)
    public Page<Person> findAll(Pageable pageable);

    // Prevents POST /people and PATCH /people/:id
    @RestResource(exported = false)
    public Person save(Person s);

    // Prevents DELETE /people/:id
    @RestResource(exported = false)
    public void delete(Person t);


This is late reply, but if you need to prevent the global http method for a entity, try it.

public class DataRestConfig implements RepositoryRestConfigurer {
    public void configureRepositoryRestConfiguration(RepositoryRestConfiguration config) {
                .withItemExposure(((metdata, httpMethods) -> httpMethods.disable(HttpMethod.PUT, HttpMethod.POST, ... )))
                .withCollectionExposure((metdata, httpMethods) -> httpMethods.disable(HttpMethod.PUT, HttpMethod.POST, ...));