How to run an Android Studio project directly from the Finder?

You can create command line launcher Tools > Creat Command-line Launcher

If you are using macOS then create an Automator Quick action.

  1. Configure like following
  2. Add a run shell script, then paste /usr/local/bin/studio $@. Make sure pass input is changed to as Arguments. enter image description here

  3. Save it (say Open with Android studio), then right click on the studio project folder > Quick actions > Open with Android studio. Or if you don't have much quick action this will list in the bottom of the context menu itself. enter image description here

Sorry, but there is no one-click run solution like I expect you have with some IDEs like Visual Studio or CodeBlocks.

All you need to do is open your Android Studio and then import a project.

EDIT: I've already run Android project in Android Studio using Terminal (using Ubuntu 14.04LTS). This is my full command:

 ./android/android-studio/bin/ workspace/Android/glucosio-android/

Hope you find it useful

No, You need import the project from the Android studio.

There isn't a way to open directly from finder. What you need to do is:

On Android Studio go to File Menu -> New... -> Import Project