How to start an entirely new process in node.js (not child)?

You can use the natively provided child process facility:

And use the unix "nohup" command to keep the spawned process alive even if the parent process died.

You can spawn a child process in a detached state, ignore the outputs, and remove the child from the parents event loop with child.unref().

This code will start, and exit while keeping running.

var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;

var child = spawn(__dirname + '/', [], {
    detached: true ,
    stdio: [ 'ignore', 'ignore', 'ignore' ]


For more detailed information and alternatives (such as logging output / etc), take a look at the documentation for spawn. There are other examples there as well:

Haven't got too much information but it seems like either spawn, exec or fork options for child process. The other option would be a shared port, both options are clarified further here: