In Python, how do I obtain the current frame?
I use these little guys for debugging and logging:
import os
import sys
def LINE( back = 0 ):
return sys._getframe( back + 1 ).f_lineno
def FILE( back = 0 ):
return sys._getframe( back + 1 ).f_code.co_filename
def FUNC( back = 0):
return sys._getframe( back + 1 ).f_code.co_name
def WHERE( back = 0 ):
frame = sys._getframe( back + 1 )
return "%s/%s %s()" % ( os.path.basename( frame.f_code.co_filename ),
frame.f_lineno, frame.f_code.co_name )
The best answer would be to use the inspect module; not a private function in sys
import inspect
current_frame = inspect.currentframe()
import sys
The number being 0 for the current frame and 1 for the frame up and so on up.
The best introduction I have found to frames in python is here
However, look at the inspect module as it does most common things you want to do with frames.