In Swift can I use a tuple as the key in a dictionary?
As mentioned in the answer above, it is not possible. But you can wrap tuple into generic structure with Hashable protocol as a workaround:
struct Two<T:Hashable,U:Hashable> : Hashable {
let values : (T, U)
var hashValue : Int {
get {
let (a,b) = values
return a.hashValue &* 31 &+ b.hashValue
// comparison function for conforming to Equatable protocol
func ==<T:Hashable,U:Hashable>(lhs: Two<T,U>, rhs: Two<T,U>) -> Bool {
return lhs.values == rhs.values
// usage:
let pair = Two(values:("C","D"))
var pairMap = Dictionary<Two<String,String>,String>()
pairMap[pair] = "A"
The definition for Dictionary
is struct Dictionary<KeyType : Hashable, ValueType> : ...
, i.e. the type of the key must conform to the protocol Hashable
. But the language guide tells us that protocols can be adopted by classes, structs and enums, i.e. not by tuples. Therefore, tuples cannot be used as Dictionary
A workaround would be defining a hashable struct type containing two Ints (or whatever you want to put in your tuple).