Is there a CLI webcam image grabber that works with a video4linux2 device?
From here
Streamer ( is a versatile program that allows a
capture from a webcam or video device using only the command line. It may be offered
in your Linux distribution's Xawtv package. To install streamer try
# sudo apt-get install xawtv
To take a standard JPEG picture from the command line where the camera is accessed
through /dev/video0:
#streamer -c /dev/video0 -b 16 -o outfile.jpeg
Where > -b is the number of colors (in bpp,whether 15, 16, 24 or 32)
& -o is the output filename in the current directory
If you are going to capture multiple images be sure to append the output file name
with zeros, as streamer can name the capture files in sequence, i.e., -o
outfile000.jpeg becomes outfile001.jpeg, outfile002.jpeg, and so on.
From comments: streamer is not included in the xawtv package, sudo apt-get install streamer
I've done it with mplayer years ago, but can't remember exactly how. mplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l2:input=1:width=352:height=288:device=/dev/video0
shows a live feed, but I'm convinced you can save it as jpg or png. Check the manual page.
Use fswebcam
not with -o
but with --save
. -o
tells where to write a logfile ...
fswebcam --save /home/$USER/webcamGrab.jpg -d /dev/video1 -r 1280x960