Issue with ForEach in SwiftUI

OK, I soon figured out the answer. Per the Apple's docs, the array elements must be Identifiable, so this works…

var body: some View {
    List {
        ForEach(requests.identified(by: \.self)) { request in
            RequestRow(request: request)

I'm sure I won't be the last person to have this problem, so I'll leave this here for future reference.

I have the same problem, but in my case Component is a Protocol, so it can't be conformed to Identifiable

VStack {

       ForEach(components.identified(by: \.uuid)) { value -> UIFactory in
            UIFactory(component: value)

However, If I try something like this it works fine

VStack {

       ForEach(components.identified(by: \.uuid)) { value -> UIFactory in

