jQuery: Stop submitting form, perform script, continue submitting form?

$("#RequestCreateForm").submit(function (e) {
    if ($("#RequestCreateForm").validate().checkForm() === false) { 
       //form was NOT ok - optionally add some error script in here

       return false; //for old browsers 
    } else{
       //form was OK - you can add some pre-send script in here

    //you don't have to submit manually if you didn't prevent the default event before

When you call $("#RequestCreateForm").submit(), the script will just run through the event handler again, and cause an infinite loop (as Koen pointed out in a comment on the accepted answer). So, you need to remove the event handler before submitting:

$("#RequestCreateForm").on('submit', function (e) {
    // do some stuff, and if it's okay:

The last line needs to be in a conditional statement, otherwise it'll just always happen, and negate your e.preventDefault(); at the top.

$("#RequestCreateForm").submit(function (e) {
    if ($("#RequestCreateForm").validate().checkForm() == false) 
         return false; 

    //other scripts
