Mac Terminal - How to start Android Virtual Device Manager on CLI?

this is just a small addon to previous solutions presented. What is probably handy to do is to just jam this as a alias into your bash_profile like so:

Open your bash_profile:

nano ~/.bash_profile

Add this:

alias avd='cd /path-to-sdk/tools; ./android avd'

Source it again:

source ~/.bash_profile

In the CLI type:


Now you can open up the AVD by just using avd in the command line. The only thing i haven't figured out how to make it stay alive after closing the terminal. Maybe somebody has tips on that.

I was able to open it from terminal with:

android avd

You may need to navigate to your SDK tools/ first. Here is reference I used: AVD Manager

Go to tools directory inside your android sdk like:

cd ~/Android/Sdk/tools

and enter run your avd as

./emulator -avd <your-avd>

You can find your avd name by running:

./emulator -list-avds

You can start emulator use terminal shell

emulator -avd <avd_name> [<options>]

options can be special -http-proxy, -dns-server setting. Get more options here

And to list all avd you can use:

emulator -list-avds

result like following:


Example when I start Nexus_5X_Edited_API_23 emulator in OS X 10.11 with proxy setting

~/Library/Android/sdk/tools/emulator -netdelay none -netspeed full -avd Nexus_5X_Edited_API_23 -http-proxy http://username:password@local_server:8080