Magnifying the Help documents without magnifying the images therein

If you look at the BoxForm of the rasterized output in the Documentation Center by selecting it and pressing Ctrl+Shift+E, you'll see that GraphicsBox containing the rasterized plot has the option DefaultBaseStyle -> "ImageGraphics". So we can control magnification of such elements by adding to the Notebook's private stylesheet the following definition for the style "ImageGraphics":

Cell[StyleData["ImageGraphics"], Magnification->1]

This works great for any ordinary Notebook but applying this option to the Documentation Notebooks is tricky since they have the option Editable -> False and it isn't recommended to edit them. By default they have set StyleDefinitions -> FrontEnd`FileName[{"Wolfram"}, "Reference.nb", CharacterEncoding -> "UTF-8"] and hence their styles are defined in the stylesheet "Reference.nb" located in the folder

FileNameJoin[{$InstallationDirectory, "SystemFiles", "FrontEnd", "StyleSheets", "Wolfram"}]

You can make a copy of this stylesheet, remove the Editable -> False and Saveable -> False options and then edit the "ImageGraphics" style (located in the "FormatType and Automatic Styles" section). Then you can copy this file to the following folder and then restart Mathematica:

FileNameJoin[{$UserBaseDirectory, "SystemFiles", "FrontEnd", "StyleSheets", "Wolfram"}]  

Stylesheets from this folder have higher priority than from the previous because it is located earlier in the StyleSheetPath global FrontEnd setting:

AbsoluteOptions[$FrontEnd, StyleSheetPath]
{StyleSheetPath -> {FrontEnd`FileName[{$UserBaseDirectory, "Autoload", _, 
     "FrontEnd", "StyleSheets"}], 
   FrontEnd`FileName[{$UserBaseDirectory, "Applications", _, "FrontEnd", 
   FrontEnd`FileName[{$BaseDirectory, "Autoload", _, "FrontEnd", 
   FrontEnd`FileName[{$BaseDirectory, "Applications", _, "FrontEnd", 
   FrontEnd`FileName[{$InstallationDirectory, "AddOns", "Autoload", _, 
     "FrontEnd", "StyleSheets"}], 
   FrontEnd`FileName[{$InstallationDirectory, "AddOns", "Applications", _, 
     "FrontEnd", "StyleSheets"}], 
   FrontEnd`FileName[{$UserBaseDirectory, "SystemFiles", "FrontEnd", 
   FrontEnd`FileName[{$BaseDirectory, "SystemFiles", "FrontEnd", 
   FrontEnd`FileName[{$InstallationDirectory, "Configuration", "FrontEnd", 
   FrontEnd`FileName[{$InstallationDirectory, "SystemFiles", "Components", _, 
     "FrontEnd", "StyleSheets"}], 
   FrontEnd`FileName[{$InstallationDirectory, "SystemFiles", "FrontEnd", 
   FrontEnd`FileName[{"C:\\Program Files\\Wolfram Research\\Mathematica\\10.4\
\\SystemFiles\\Components\\MUnit\\FrontEnd", "StyleSheets"}, 
    "PacletManager" -> True]}}

All the above operations can be completely automatized:

 FileNameJoin[{$UserBaseDirectory, "SystemFiles", "FrontEnd", "StyleSheets", 
CopyFile @@ (FileNameJoin[{#, "SystemFiles", "FrontEnd", "StyleSheets", 
       "Reference.nb"}] & /@ {$InstallationDirectory, $UserBaseDirectory});
nb = NotebookOpen[
   FileNameJoin[{$UserBaseDirectory, "SystemFiles", "FrontEnd", "StyleSheets",
      "Wolfram", "Reference.nb"}]];
SetOptions[nb, {Editable -> True, Saveable -> True}];

NotebookFind[nb, "ImageGraphics"];
cell = NotebookRead[nb];
If[TrueQ[First@cell === StyleData["ImageGraphics"]], 
 NotebookWrite[nb, Append[cell, Magnification -> 1], All]; NotebookSave[nb], $Failed]

(then restart Mathematica).

I have tested the above and it works! Screenshot:
