Managing connection with non-buffered queries in Dapper

@Sergio, AWESOME! Thanks for such a great pattern. I modified it slightly to be async so that I can use it with Dapper's async methods. Makes my entire request chain async, from the controllers all the way back to the DB! Gorgeous!

public abstract class BaseRepository
    private readonly string _ConnectionString;

    protected BaseRepository(string connectionString)
        _ConnectionString = connectionString;

    // use for buffered queries
    protected async Task<T> WithConnection<T>(Func<IDbConnection, Task<T>> getData)
            using (var connection = new SqlConnection(_ConnectionString))
                await connection.OpenAsync();
                return await getData(connection);
        catch (TimeoutException ex)
            throw new Exception(String.Format("{0}.WithConnection() experienced a SQL timeout", GetType().FullName), ex);
        catch (SqlException ex)
            throw new Exception(String.Format("{0}.WithConnection() experienced a SQL exception (not a timeout)", GetType().FullName), ex);

    // use for non-buffeed queries
    protected async Task<TResult> WithConnection<TRead, TResult>(Func<IDbConnection, Task<TRead>> getData, Func<TRead, Task<TResult>> process)
            using (var connection = new SqlConnection(_ConnectionString))
                await connection.OpenAsync();
                var data = await getData(connection);
                return await process(data);
        catch (TimeoutException ex)
            throw new Exception(String.Format("{0}.WithConnection() experienced a SQL timeout", GetType().FullName), ex);
        catch (SqlException ex)
            throw new Exception(String.Format("{0}.WithConnection() experienced a SQL exception (not a timeout)", GetType().FullName), ex);

Use with Dapper like this:

public class PersonRepository : BaseRepository
    public PersonRepository(string connectionString): base (connectionString) { }

    // Assumes you have a Person table in your DB that 
    // aligns with a Person POCO model.
    // Assumes you have an existing SQL sproc in your DB 
    // with @Id UNIQUEIDENTIFIER as a parameter. The sproc 
    // returns rows from the Person table.
    public async Task<Person> GetPersonById(Guid Id)
        return await WithConnection(async c =>
            var p = new DynamicParameters();
            p.Add("Id", Id, DbType.Guid);
            var people = await c.QueryAsync<Person>(sql: "sp_Person_GetById", param: p, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure);
            return people.FirstOrDefault();

I'd offer this repository pattern:

public class Repository
    private readonly string _connectionString;

    public Repository(string connectionString)
        _connectionString = connectionString;

    protected T GetConnection<T>(Func<IDbConnection, T> getData)
        using (var connection = new SqlConnection(_connectionString))
            return getData(connection);

    protected TResult GetConnection<TRead, TResult>(Func<IDbConnection, TRead> getData, Func<TRead, TResult> process)
        using (var connection = new SqlConnection(_connectionString))
            var data = getData(connection);
            return process(data);

For buffered queries you want to use first overload of GetConnection method, for non-buffered you use second, specifing callback for processing data:

public class MyRepository : Repository
    public MyRepository(string connectionString) : base(connectionString)

    public IEnumerable<MyMapObject> GetData()
        return GetConnection(c => c.Query<MyMapObject>(query));

    public IEnumerable<ResultObject> GetLotsOfData(Func<IEnumerable<MyMapObject>, IEnumerable<ResultObject>> process)
        return GetConnection(c => c.Query<MyMapObject>(query, buffered: false), process);

Very basic usage:

static void Main(string[] args)
    var repository = new MyRepository(connectionString);
    var data = repository.GetLotsOfData(ProcessData);

public static IEnumerable<ResultObject> ProcessData(IEnumerable<MyMapObject> data)
    foreach (var record in data)
        var result = new ResultObject();
        //do some work...
        yield return result;

But keep in mind - connection may be opened for too long time in this case...