Messy flowchart using tikz
Some problems are avoided if you use the positioning
library. You need to use the option on grid
, you can modify locally the node distance
. The width of the diamond node is not the same that the width of the rectangle, so you need to place the rectangle above the diamond if you want a vertical edge.
\tikzstyle{decision} = [diamond, draw, fill=blue!20, text width=4.5em, text badly centered, node distance=3cm, inner sep=0pt,on grid]
\tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, draw, fill=blue!20, text width=5em, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=4em,on grid]
\tikzstyle{line} = [draw, -latex]
\resizebox{0.4 \linewidth}{!}{%
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance = 2cm, auto]
\node[block] (init) {Init $n=0$, $T_0$, and $S_0$};
\node[block, below= of init] (nbrh) {$S_{n+1}=N(S_n)$};
\node[decision, below= of nbrh] (ovgt) {$f(S_{n+1}) \le f(S_n)$};
\node[block, below=2.5cm of ovgt] (accp) {Accept $S_{n+1}$};
\node[decision, right= 3.5cm of ovgt] (rand) {Accept with $P = e^{-\frac{\Delta f}{t_n}}$};
\node[block, above=3cm of rand] (rejj) {Reject $S_{n+1}$};
\node[block, below= of accp] (incr) {$T_{n+1} = K(T_n)$ and $n=n+1$};
\node[decision, below=2.5cm of incr] (stcd) {Stop?};
\node[block, right=3cm of stcd] (stop) {Stop};
\path[line] (init) -- (nbrh);
\path[line] (nbrh) -- (ovgt);
\path[line] (ovgt) -- node{yes}(accp);
\path[line] (ovgt) -- node{no} (rand);
\path[line] (rand) -- node{no} (rejj);
\path[line] (rejj) -- (nbrh);
\path[line] (rand) |- node{yes}(accp);
\path[line] (accp) -- (incr);
\path[line] (incr) -- (stcd);
\path[line] (stcd) -- node{yes}(stop);
\path[line] (stcd) -- ++(-2,0) |- node[pos=.25]{no} (nbrh);
My solution is similar to the last edit of Altermundus (I was too slow), but I address the problem of having equations in one line only. Moreover, instead of adopting \resizebox
, I preferred \scalebox
from the graphicx
Here is the code:
\tikzset{decision/.style={diamond, draw, fill=blue!20, text width=4.5em, text badly centered, inner sep=0pt}}
\tikzset{block/.style={rectangle, draw, fill=blue!20, text width=5em, text centered, rounded corners,
minimum width=3.5cm}}
\tikzset{line/.style={draw, -latex}}
\begin{frame}{Simulated Annealing (SA)}
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2.3cm]
\node[block] (init){Init $n=0$, $T_0$, and $S_0$};
\node[block, below of=init] (nbrh){\footnotesize{$S_{n+1}=N(S_n)$}};
\node[decision, below of=nbrh](ovgt){\footnotesize{$f(S_{n+1}) \le f(S_n)$}};
\node[block, below of=ovgt] (accp){Accept $S_{n+1}$};
\node[decision, right=2cm of ovgt](rand){Accept with $P = e^{-\frac{\Delta f}{t_n}}$};
\node[block, above of=rand] (rejj){Reject $S_{n+1}$};
\node[block, below of=accp] (incr){\scriptsize{$T_{n+1} = K(T_n)$} \\[1ex] and\\ \scriptsize{$n=n+1$}};
\node[decision, below of=incr] (stcd){Stop?};
\node[block, right= 2cm of stcd] (stop){Stop};
% invisible node helpful later
\node[left=1cm of accp,scale=0.05](inv){};
\path[line] (init) -- (nbrh);
\path[line] (nbrh) -- (ovgt);
\path[line] (ovgt) -- node[left]{yes}(accp);
\path[line] (ovgt) -- node[above]{no} (rand);
\path[line] (rand) -- node[right]{no} (rejj);
\path[line] (rejj) -- (nbrh);
\path[line] (rand) |- node[below]{yes}(accp);
\path[line] (accp) -- (incr);
\path[line] (incr) -- (stcd);
\path[line] (stcd) -- node[below]{yes}(stop);
\path[-,draw] (stcd) -| node{} (inv.north);
\path[line]{} (inv.north) |- node[above]{no} (nbrh);
which gives:
You might find using a \matrix[matrix of nodes]
for this easy, because then you can move around the nodes. That leaves drawing the paths which is boring no matter what.
To prohibit line breaks in math-mode, you could set \binoppenalty
and \relpenalty
to high values.
Example of the above (I've cut some corners with the path drawing):
% re-usability is the key to happiness
>=triangle 45,
matrix of nodes,
row sep=2\normalbaselineskip,
column sep=3em,
%font=\scriptsize, % <- that'd change font size
minimum height=3\normalbaselineskip,
text width=7em,
text badly centered,
rounded corners,
execute at begin node={
\binoppenalty=10000 % make it bad to break math line
decision/.style={% inherits from block via matrix
sharp corners,
inner sep=1pt,
\matrix[flowchart] (fc) {
Init $n=0$, $T_0$, and $S_0$ \\
$S_{n+1}=N(S_n)$ & Reject $S_{n+1}$ \\
|[decision]| $f(S_{n+1})\leq f(S_n)$ &
|[decision]| Accept with $P=e^{-\frac{\Delta f}{t_n}}$ \\
Accept $S_{n+1}$ \\
$T_{n+1}=K(T_n)$ and $n=n+1$ \\
|[decision]| Stop? & Stop \\
\draw (fc-1-1) -- (fc-2-1) edge (fc-3-1);
\draw (fc-2-1) -- (fc-3-1) edge node[above] {no} (fc-3-2);
\draw (fc-3-2) edge node[right] {no} (fc-2-2) |- node[below] {yes} (fc-4-1);
\draw (fc-2-2) -- (fc-2-1);
\draw (fc-3-1) -- node[right] {yes} (fc-4-1);
\draw (fc-4-1) -- (fc-5-1) edge (fc-6-1);
\draw (fc-6-1) edge node[above] {yes} (fc-6-2) -- +(-3,0) node[below] {no} |- (fc-2-1);
(There's a small flaw in the first no-branch, I'll leave it as an exercise ;-)