MySQL remove all whitespaces from the entire column
To replace all spaces
UPDATE `table` SET `col_name` = REPLACE(`col_name`, ' ', '')
To remove all tabs
characters :
UPDATE `table` SET `col_name` = REPLACE(`col_name`, '\t', '' )
To remove all new line
characters :
UPDATE `table` SET `col_name` = REPLACE(`col_name`, '\n', '')
To remove first and last space(s)
of column :
UPDATE `table` SET `col_name` = TRIM(`col_name`)
and if you want remove all type of spaces, you can combine all of this functions :
UPDATE `table` SET `col_name` = REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(`col_name`, ' ', ''), '\t', ''), '\n', '');
Since the question is how to replace ALL whitespaces
UPDATE `table`
SET `col_name` = REPLACE
(REPLACE(REPLACE(`col_name`, ' ', ''), '\t', ''), '\n', '');
Working Query:
SELECT replace(col_name , ' ','') FROM table_name;
While this doesn't :
SELECT trim(col_name) FROM table_name;