Naming intersection points of a grid
If you remove the units from the steps and do, say, \begin{tikzpicture}[x=2cm,y=2cm]
this will increase the step of the grid while keeping the same intersections (or lattice nodes) connected.
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
\draw[step=.5,color=gray] (0,0) grid (5,4);
\draw<2->[ultra thick, green, -latex] (1,1) -- (2,2);
\draw[blue!40!black, thick, fill=blue!40!white, opacity=.5] (3,3) circle (.2cm) node (c){};
\draw<3->[ultra thick, red, -latex] ( -- (4,3);
\node at (1,1){a};
\node at (2,2){b};
\node at (3,3){x};
\node at (4,3){z};
Second try at it. I hope I understood you: what I am doing here is building the grid by hand, and automatically naming the intersections. You can change the grid parameters (x and y step) and let everything else untouched; the intersections are called g-<column>-<row>
Another possibility is to use a TikZ matrix of nodes
for this.
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
% \draw[step=.5cm,color=gray] (0,0) grid (8,8);
\foreach \x in {0,...,8} {
% draw rows and columns
\draw [red] (\x*\mystepx, 0) -- (\x*\mystepx,8*\mystepy);
\draw [blue] (0,\x*\mystepy) -- (8*\mystepx,\x*\mystepy);
\foreach \y in {0,...,8} {
\coordinate (g-\x-\y) at (\x*\mystepx,\y*\mystepy);
\node at (g-1-1){a};
\node at (g-2-2){b};
\node at (g-3-3){x};
\node at (g-4-3){z};
\draw<2->[ultra thick, green, -latex] (g-1-1) -- (g-2-2);
\draw[blue!40!black, thick, fill=blue!40!white, opacity=.5] (g-3-3) circle (.2cm) node (c){};
\draw<3->[ultra thick, red, -latex] ( -- (g-4-3);
Here is an example of to path
style that name all intersections of a grid. When you set named grid=test
the intersections will be named as test-1-1
, test-1-2
, ... and so on.
% The x-step and the y-step lengths
% recover the steps
% define the `named grid` style
named grid/.style={
to path={
(\tikztostart) grid (\tikztotarget)
let \p1=(\tikztostart), \p2=(\tikztotarget),
foreach[count=\nx from 0] \x in {\n3,\n4,...,\n5}{
foreach[count=\ny from 0] \y in {\n8,\n9,...,\n{10}}{
(\x*\dx,\y*\dy) coordinate (#1-\nx-\ny) % <- name the intersections
named grid/.default=grid
\draw[rotate=35,xstep=.7,ystep=.35] (-.5,-1.5) to[named grid=test] (3.5,1.5)
(test-1-1) edge[-latex,red,thick] (test-5-7)
(test-0-0) circle(3pt) (test-5-8) circle(3pt);
Notes :
- This code is note very stable : it doesn't work well with non linear transforms.
- In a strange way, the most difficult part for me was to recover the steps.