TikZ: Align array of matrices
Although not exactly the same, something very similar can be done with some tabular
and without TiKZ
\mytab{.1}{.0}{.5}{.2} & \mytab{.1}{.1}{.1}{.1}
\mytab{.0}{.0}{.0}{.2} & \mytab{.3}{.0}{.3}{.9}
EDIT: or even better with ytableau
\mytab{.1}{.0}{.5}{.2} & \mytab{.1}{.1}{.1}{.1}
\mytab{.0}{.0}{.0}{.2} & \mytab{.3}{.0}{.3}{.9}
like this?
matrices you can consider as nodes, so their positioning is with positioning
library is straightforward:
\usetikzlibrary{matrix, positioning}
node distance = 1mm and 2mm,
every matrix/.style = {matrix of nodes,
column sep=-\pgflinewidth,
row sep=-\pgflinewidth}
\matrix (m1)
.2 & .2 \\
.2 & .2 \\
\matrix (m11) [above right=of m1.east]
.1 & .0 \\
.5 & .0 \\
\matrix (m12) [right=of m11]
.1 & .1 \\
.1 & .1 \\
\matrix (m21) [below right= of m1.east]
.0 & .0 \\
.0 & .2 \\
\matrix (m22) [right = of m21]{
.3 & .0 \\
.3 & .9 \\
\matrix (m2) [right = of m1 -| m12.east]
.2 & .0 \\
.3 & .9 \\