No virtual method findViewHolderForPosition(I) when trying to click on RecyclerView item with Espresso
Ok, in my case problem was in ProGuard
shrinking unused methods. Disabling it for tests helped.
For future seekers - if you don't want to disable proguard for debug build adding this line to proguard config should help too:
-keepclasseswithmembers public class { *; }
Also, note that this rule should be added to the regular proguard file(the one of listed in proguardFiles
) and not the test one(declared as testProguardFile
You can combine @Bersh's answer and this answer to be more strict about what to keep:
-keep class {
public$ViewHolder findViewHolderForPosition(int);
There is no reason to keep the entire RecyclerView
Or for when you inevitably update to AndroidX:
-keep class androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView {
public androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView$ViewHolder findViewHolderForPosition(int);