NUnit cannot recognise a TestCase when it contains an array

Following on from this bug at JetBrains it looks as though the solution here is to use the TestName attribute on your different cases:

[TestCase( 1, 2, new long[] { 100, 200 }, TestName="Test 1" )]
[TestCase( 5, 3, new long[] { 300, 500 }, TestName="Test 2" )]
public void MyClass_MyOtherMethod( long a, long b, long[] bunchOfNumbers )
   Assert.IsTrue( a < b );

Everything now shows correctly in ReSharper if one of my tests fails.

For an array that contains strings, use an object array with the TestCase attributes along with params:

[TestCase(new object[] {"foo", "bar", "baz"})]
[TestCase(new object[] {"300", "500", "700"})]    
public void MyClass_SomeOtherMethod(params string[] bunchOfStrings)
    // assert something...

An alternative is to use a string for the array:

[TestCase( 1, 2, "100, 200")]
[TestCase( 5, 3, "300, 500")]
public void MyClass_MyOtherMethod(long a, long b, string bunchOfNumbersString)
    var bunchOfNumbers= bunchOfNumbersString.Split(',')

The upside with this approach is that it will render nicly in the testrunner.

Side note: The [Test] is not needed when using [TestCase] or at least I don't see that it solves a problem.

This works in VS 2017 with NUnit 3.11.0

[TestCase(new long[] {5, 6, 942135153})]
public void DummyTest(long[] values)
    Assert.That(values != null);