pdfinfo doesn't appear to be working
This is caused by the hyperref
package. It's not needed in your example, so you could just delete it. However, if your whole document does need hyperref
, you can use \hypersetup
to include the information.
\title{Zombie Paranoia in the Bronx: A Study in Psychosocial Perceptions \\ Draft}
\author{{\bfseries John Smith$^a$} \\
{\footnotesize $^a$Ecology, Evolution, \& Behavior, University of Queens, USA \emph{[email protected]}}\\
Title={Zombie Paranoia in the Bronx: A Study in Psychosocial Perceptions},
Author={John Smith}
Have a look at section 3.7 of the hyperref package manual for more information.
Indeed \pdfinfo
does not work in combination with hyperref
Try the following
pdftitle={Your Title},%
pdfkeywords={one, two},%
If I try typesetting your input and preview it with Skim, the Author and Title info are as you want, but not with Adobe Reader. If instead I write
Title={Zombie Paranoia in the Bronx: A Study in Psychosocial Perceptions},
Author={John Smith},
then also Adobe Reader shows the desired data.