Protractor/Jasmine2 - async callback not invoked within specified timeout

I'd suggest to have a callback function in it block which will ensure that all the async code gets executed before that.For example:

it('verifies counter on active tab', function (done) {
  var usersPage = new UsersPage();
  browser.wait(EC.visibilityOf(usersPage.firstRow), waitTimeout);

    .then(function (count) {
        var text = usersPage.activeTab.getText();
        expect(text).toContain('Active' + ' (' + count + ')');

Actually, this would work better if you returned the promise. As you are doing async work in your test, you are breaking away from the sequential expectations of the code. Basically, your block of code will get executed, and end the call of it, but there will be no references to the promise that is still being executed in the background. With that, protractor cannot wait for it to be completed (but it knows that it needs to wait) so the test fails. Instead of executing the done() by hand, just add

return usersPage.rowsCount.count().then(function (count) {
  expect(usersPage.activeTab.getText()).toContain('Active' + ' (' + count + ')');