Pylint invalid constant name

When checking names, Pylint differentiates between constants, variables, classes etc. Any name that is not inside a function/class will be considered a constant, anything else is a variable.




Because you're in a function, MIN_SOIL_PARTICLE_DENS is (according to pylint) supposed to be a variable, pylint however treats it as a constant and therefore complains.

This means you can't have any uppercase names inside functions without pylint complaining.

If you ask me, using uppercase inside functions is fine; not all constants are necessarily defined globally.

Few simple rules :

  1. Constants should be defined with UPPER_CASE letters only and should be defined at the module level
  2. Class names should be defined with CamelCase letters
  3. Variables should be defined at lower_case and should be defined inside function, classes etc.

Now lets talk about your case,

MIN_SOIL_PARTICLE_DENS is defined inside a function and should have lower letters only. Thus instead of considering MIN_SOIL_PARTICLE_DENS as a constant, pylint considers it as a variable here and hence the pylint error.

Pylint Tutorial

I found this behavior annoying, but there's a way to configure pylint to avoid this!

Merge the following ini-style declaration into your .pylintrc file:


I built this regex by taking

  • the default snake_case regex taken from pylint's source at this line,

  • the default CONST_VAR regex taken from pylint's source at this line

and joining them by | and some parentheses.

Theoretically, you could also just take .*, but this would allow even invalid names like mixed_CASE.