QML - tracking global position of a component

The solution below will trigger the qmlElementToTrack.onPropertyNameXChanged() and qmlElementToTrack.onPropertyNameYChanged() events each time one of its parents 'x' or 'y' values change.

It does this by attaching to each parent's onXChanged() and onYChanged() signals. When one of those values changes, it recalculates the propertyNameX or propertyNameY values by traversing all of qmlElementToTrack's parents.

To make it 'relative' positioned (instead of 'absolute'), add current !== qmlElementToStopAt to each while() condition.

ElementToTrack {
  id: qmlElementToTrack
  property real propertyNameX: 0
  property real propertyNameY: 0


  Connect to each parent's 'onXChanged' and 'onYChanged' signals.
setPositionChangedToParents = function(current) {
    while (current && current.parent) {
        current = current.parent;

  Disconnects the signals set to all parents.
removePositionChangedFromParents = function(current) {
    while (current && current.parent) {
        current = current.parent;

  When any parent's 'x' changes, recalculate the 'x' value for the 'property name'.
calculatePropertyNameX = function() {
    var calculatedX, current;

    calculatedX = 0;
    current = qmlElementToTrack;

    while (current && current.parent) {
        calculatedX += current.x;
        current = current.parent;

    propertyNameX = calculatedX;

  When any parent's 'y' changes, recalculate the 'y' value for the 'property name'.
calculatePropertyNameY = function() {
    var calculatedY, current;

    calculatedY = 0;
    current = qmlElementToTrack;

    while (current && current.parent) {
        calculatedY += current.y;
        current = current.parent;

    propertyNameY = calculatedY;

This is a hard point, but here is the hack i used in one of my projects : to make blue rect which is in another parent than green rect move, to stay aligned with it, when green rect moves but also when yellow rect (green rect parent) moves :

import QtQuick 2.0;

Rectangle {
    id: window;
    width: 800;
    height: 480;

    property bool globalBit : true;

    function updatePos (item_orig, item_dest, bit) {
        var pos_abs = window.mapFromItem (item_orig.parent, item_orig.x, item_orig.y);
        return window.mapToItem (item_dest.parent, pos_abs.x, pos_abs.y);

    Rectangle {
        id: rectYellow;
        width: 400;
        height: 300;
        x: 300;
        y: 200;
        color: "yellow";

        onXChanged: { globalBit = !globalBit; }
        onYChanged: { globalBit = !globalBit; }

        MouseArea {
            drag {
                target: rectYellow;
                minimumX: 0;
                minimumY: 0;
                maximumX: (rectYellow.parent.width - rectYellow.width);
                maximumY: (rectYellow.parent.height - rectYellow.height);
            anchors.fill: parent;
        Rectangle {
            id: rectGreen;
            x: 100;
            y: 100;
            width: 50;
            height: 50;
            color: "green";

            MouseArea {
                drag {
                    target: rectGreen;
                    minimumX: 0;
                    minimumY: 0;
                    maximumX: (rectGreen.parent.width - rectGreen.width);
                    maximumY: (rectGreen.parent.height - rectGreen.height);
                anchors.fill: parent;
    Rectangle {
        id: rectBlue;
        x: pos.x + 50;
        y: pos.y + 50;
        width: 50;
        height: 50;
        color: "blue";

        property var pos : updatePos (rectGreen, rectBlue, globalBit);

The trick is to bring all coordinates back to the first common ancestor, using both mapfromItem and mapToItem, and to force the function to be re-evaluated, just put a global boolean flag that you pass to the computing function, and that you invert each time a movable element on your map moves... You don't have to put it every where, just on parents of items that can move and are inside the ancestor item.

So it works, your positions will always be right, and it's quite scalable and doesn't add much code.