Raising a server error to the client with grpc
There's a new method for this too, context.abort() - it'll actually raise an exception to terminate the RPC call:
So at gRPC side someone can abort context using:
At client side (python):
result = {'msg', 'success'}
except grpc.RpcError as e:
if e.code() == grpc.StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT:
result = {'msg', 'invalid arg error'}
elif e.code() == grpc.StatusCode.ALREADY_EXISTS:
result = {'msg', 'already exists error'}
Yes, there is a better way. You may change the status details using the ServicerContext.set_details
method and you may change the status code using the ServicerContext.set_code
method. I suspect that your servicer will look something like
class MyService(proto_pb2.SomethingServicer):
def Do(self, request, context):
if not is_valid_field(request.field):
return proto_pb2.Response()
return proto_pb2.Response(response='Yeah!')