React Native Navigation and Redux Persist

In case you're looking to integrate it with react-native-navigation v2, in App.js, make sure you call persistStore() inside the registerAppLaunchedListener() :

import { persistStore } from 'redux-persist';
... => {
  persistStore(store, null, () => {

First of all, the basic setup should be the similar with or without react-native-navigation as described in the documentation in store.js:

import { persistStore, persistCombineReducers } from 'redux-persist'
import storage from 'redux-persist/es/storage' // default: 
localStorage if web, AsyncStorage if react-native
import reducers from './reducers' // where reducers is an object of 

const config = {
  key: 'root',

const reducer = persistCombineReducers(config, reducers)

function configureStore () {
  // ...
  let store = createStore(reducer)
  return store

  // We'll skip persistStore for now
  // let persistor = persistStore(store)
  //return { persistor, store }

The persistStore call is commented out as we'll do it below. The persistStore method takes a callback in its third argument. The callback is executed after the state is restored/rehydrated. This is nice because this means we can delay starting the screen(s) until the state is rehydrated.

Let's assume you have the following bootstrap code in App.js:

store = configureStore()

registerScreens(store, Provider)

  tabs: [{...},]

Now we can add persistStore and wrap your bootstrap code in it like this:

store = configureStore()

persistStore(store, null, () => {
  registerScreens(store, Provider)

    tabs: [{...},]

Note: In v4, you pass config instead of null: persistStore(store, config, callback)