Recursive Collatz Conjecture

Python 2, 70 bytes

f=lambda n,k=0,j=0:n-1and-~f(k*[n/2,n*3+1][n%2]or f(j/99or n,1),k,j+1)

Returns 199 for one hundred or more iterations.

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Attache, 40 bytes


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This is a new language that I made. I wanted to get around to making a proper infix language, and this is the result: a mathematica knock-off. Hooray?


This is a composition of a few functions. These functions are:

  • PeriodicSteps[CollatzSize@Max&1] This yields a function which applies its argument until the results contain a duplicate element. This function, CollatzSize@Max&1, is applying CollatzSize to the greater of the input and 1, to avoid the invalid input 0 to CollatSize.
  • `# is a quoted operator; when applied monadically in this sense, it obtains the size of its argument
  • `-&3 is a bonded function, which bonds the argument 3 to the function `-, which reads as "minus 3". This is because the PeriodicSteps application yields 0s, which need to be accounted for. (It also neatly handles out-of-bounds numbers like 5, which map to -1.)

C (gcc), 75 bytes


Returns -1 for n>=100 iterations.

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C (gcc), 73 bytes


Returns 0 for n>=100 iterations.

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