RecyclerView.Adapter.notifyItemMoved(0,1) scrolls screen
Sadly the workaround presented by yigit scrolls the RecyclerView
to the top. This is the best workaround I found till now:
// figure out the position of the first visible item
int firstPos = manager.findFirstCompletelyVisibleItemPosition();
int offsetTop = 0;
if(firstPos >= 0) {
View firstView = manager.findViewByPosition(firstPos);
offsetTop = manager.getDecoratedTop(firstView) - manager.getTopDecorationHeight(firstView);
// apply changes
// reapply the saved position
if(firstPos >= 0) {
manager.scrollToPositionWithOffset(firstPos, offsetTop);
Call scrollToPosition(0)
after moving items. Unfortunately, i assume, LinearLayoutManager tries to keep first item stable, which moves so it moves the list with it.
Translate @Andreas Wenger's answer to kotlin:
val firstPos = manager.findFirstCompletelyVisibleItemPosition()
var offsetTop = 0
if (firstPos >= 0) {
val firstView = manager.findViewByPosition(firstPos)!!
offsetTop = manager.getDecoratedTop(firstView) - manager.getTopDecorationHeight(firstView)
// apply changes
if (firstPos >= 0) {
manager.scrollToPositionWithOffset(firstPos, offsetTop)
In my case, the view can have a top margin, which also needs to be counted in the offset, otherwise the recyclerview will not scroll to the intended position. To do so, just write:
val topMargin = (firstView.layoutParams as? MarginLayoutParams)?.topMargin ?: 0
offsetTop = manager.getDecoratedTop(firstView) - manager.getTopDecorationHeight(firstView) - topMargin
Even easier if you have ktx dependency in your project:
offsetTop = manager.getDecoratedTop(firstView) - manager.getTopDecorationHeight(firstView) - firstView.marginTop