Regex in Javascript to remove links

Just to clarify, in order to strip link tags and leave everything between them untouched, it is a two step process - remove the opening tag, then remove the closing tag.

txt.replace(/<a\b[^>]*>/i,"").replace(/<\/a>/i, "");

Working sample:

 function stripLink(txt) {
    return txt.replace(/<a\b[^>]*>/i,"").replace(/<\/a>/i, "");

<p id="strip">
 <a href="#">
  <em>Here's the text!</em>

 <input value="Strip" type="button" onclick="alert(stripLink(document.getElementById('strip').innerHTML))">

This will strip out everything between <a and /a>:

mystr = "check this out <a href=''>Click me</a>. cool, huh?";

It's not really foolproof, but maybe it'll do the trick for your purpose...