Restrict C++ Template Parameter to Subclass
With a C++11 compliant compiler, you can do something like this:
template<class Derived> class MyClass {
MyClass() {
// Compile-time sanity check
static_assert(std::is_base_of<BaseClass, Derived>::value, "Derived not derived from BaseClass");
// Do other construction related stuff...
I've tested this out using the gcc 4.8.1 compiler inside a CYGWIN environment - so it should work in *nix environments as well.
Since C++11 you do not need Boost or static_assert
. C++11 introduces is_base_of
and enable_if
. C++14 introduces the convenience type enable_if_t
, but if you are stuck with C++11, you can simply use enable_if::type
Alternative 1
David Rodríguez's solution may be rewritten as follows:
#include <type_traits>
using namespace std;
template <typename T>
enable_if_t<is_base_of<Base, T>::value, void> function() {
// This function will only be considered by the compiler if
// T actualy derived from Base
Alternative 2
Since C++17, we have is_base_of_v
. The solution can be further rewritten to:
#include <type_traits>
using namespace std;
template <typename T>
enable_if_t<is_base_of_v<Base, T>, void> function() {
// This function will only be considered by the compiler if
// T actualy derived from Base
Alternative 3
You could also just restrict the the whole template. You could use this method for defining whole classes. Note how the second parameter of enable_if_t
has been removed (it was previously set to void). Its default value is actually void
, but it doesn't matter, as we are not using it.
#include <type_traits>
using namespace std;
template <typename T,
typename = enable_if_t<is_base_of_v<Base, T>>>
void function() {
// This function will only be considered by the compiler if
// T actualy derived from Base
From the documentation of template parameters, we see that typename = enable_if_t...
is a template parameter with an empty name. We are simply using it to ensure that a type's definition exists. In particular, enable_if_t
will not be defined if Base
is not a base of T
The technique above is given as an example in enable_if
To execute less useless code at runtime you can look at: which provides some classes that perform the compile time test efficiently, and produce nicer error messages.
In particular:
template<class T, class B> struct Derived_from {
static void constraints(T* p) { B* pb = p; }
Derived_from() { void(*p)(T*) = constraints; }
template<class T> void function() {
In this case you can do:
template <class T> void function(){
Baseclass *object = new T();
This will not compile if T is not a subclass of Baseclass (or T is Baseclass).