Scala Convert Set to Map

Here is another solution that uses a Stream of all natural numbers beginning from 1 to be zipped with your Set:

scala> Set("a", "b", "c") zip Stream.from(1) toMap
Map((a,1), (b,2), (c,3))

zipWithIndex is probably what you are looking for. It will take your collection of letters and make a new collection of Tuples, matching value with position in the collection. You have an extra requirement though - it looks like your positions start with 1, rather than 0, so you'll need to transform those Tuples:

  .zipWithIndex    //(a,0), (b,1), (c,2)
  .map{case(v,i) => (v, i+1)}  //increment each of those indexes
  .toMap //toMap does work for a collection of Tuples

One extra consideration - Sets don't preserve position. Consider using a structure like List if you want the above position to consistently work.