Set size of \colorbox for a single character


or any other width that you want.

Or as if indicated in comments you want vertical as well as horizontal centering


where the size of the box, 12, is given in picture environment units (pt by default)

With tikz:

\newcommand\coloredtext[2][]{\tikz[baseline=(char.base)]\node[minimum width=2em,text height=1.5ex, text depth=0.1ex,fill=black!85,text=white,#1](char){#2};}%
\foreach \x in {a,b,...,z}{%

\foreach \x in {A,B,...,Z}{%
   \coloredtext[minimum width=2.55em]{\x}

enter image description here

I would suggest using the eqparbox package, if you want to have equal and minimal widths of the boxes (two runs are required):








enter image description here

If you want the coloured boxes to have the same heights, while keeping the natural width of the widest, you can adjust the height in two ways:

  • Either insert a \vphantom{highest entry} as an argument to eqmakebox. Of course, it's up to you to decide which will be the highest entry. One may turn it into an optional argument of a macro.
  • Or insert an invisible rule that lets you predefine the height of the box.

I give an example of both, the second solution with predefined height equal to 1 cm. This can make possible fancy effects.





\colorbox{DeepPink4}{\eqmakebox[L]{\vphantom{\Large\bfseries W}\footnotesize\bfseries\color{AntiqueWhite1}W}}

\colorbox{AntiqueWhite1}{\eqmakebox[L]{\rule{0pt}{\dimexpr 1cm-2\fboxsep\relax}\Large\bfseries\color{DeepPink4}W}}
\colorbox{AntiqueWhite1}{\eqmakebox[L]{\rule{0pt}{\dimexpr 1cm-2\fboxsep\relax}\footnotesize\bfseries\color{DeepPink4}i}}

\colorbox{AntiqueWhite1}{\eqmakebox[L]{\rule[-0.4cm]{0pt}{\dimexpr 1cm-2\fboxsep\relax}\Large\bfseries\color{DeepPink4}W}}
\colorbox{AntiqueWhite1}{\eqmakebox[L]{\rule[-0.4cm]{0pt}{\dimexpr 1cm-2\fboxsep\relax}\footnotesize\bfseries\color{DeepPink4}i}}


enter image description here