Simplest possible key/value pair file parsing in .NET

I don't know of any builtin class to parse ini file. I've used nini when needed to do so. It's licensed under the MIT/X11 license, so doesn't have any issue to be included in a closed source program.

It's very to use. So if you have a Settings.ini file formatted this way:

Name = Jb Evain
Phone = +330101010101

Using it would be as simple as:

var source = new IniConfigSource ("Settings.ini");
var config = source.Configs ["Configuration"];

string name = config.Get ("Name");
string phone = config.Get ("Phone");

Use the KeyValuePair class for you Key and Value, then just serialize a List to disk with an XMLSerializer.

That would be the simplest approach I feel. You wouldn't have to worry about traversing nodes. Calling the Deserialize function will do that for you. The user could edit the values in the file if they wish also.

If you're looking for a quick easy function and don't want to use .Net app\user config setting files or worry about serialization issues that sometimes occur of time.

The following static function can load a file formatted like KEY=VALUE.

public static Dictionary<string, string> LoadConfig(string settingfile)
    var dic = new Dictionary<string, string>();

    if (File.Exists(settingfile))
        var settingdata = File.ReadAllLines(settingfile);
        for (var i = 0; i < settingdata.Length; i++)
            var setting = settingdata[i];
            var sidx = setting.IndexOf("=");
            if (sidx >= 0)
                var skey = setting.Substring(0, sidx);
                var svalue = setting.Substring(sidx+1);
                if (!dic.ContainsKey(skey))
                    dic.Add(skey, svalue);

    return dic;

Note: I'm using a Dictionary so keys must be unique, which is usually that case with setting.


var settingfile = AssemblyDirectory + "\\mycustom.setting";
var settingdata = LoadConfig(settingfile);
if (settingdata.ContainsKey("lastrundate"))
    DateTime lout;
    string svalue;
    if (settingdata.TryGetValue("lastrundate", out svalue))
        DateTime.TryParse(svalue, out lout);
        lastrun = lout;




Key Value