Sort the climbing grades

Python 2, 58 54 bytes

lambda x:sorted(x,key=lambda y,B10=0:eval(y[1:]+'10'))

Try it online!

How it works

y         y[1:]+'10'   eval(y[1:]+'10')
VB        B10          0  (a variable we defined)
V0        010          8  (an octal literal)
V0+       0+10         10
V1        110          110
V2        210          210
...       ...          ...
V17       1710         1710

JavaScript (ES6) / Firefox, 53 bytes


Test cases

For Firefox:

let f =


console.log(JSON.stringify(f(['V7', 'V12', 'V1'])))
console.log(JSON.stringify(f(['V13', 'V14', 'VB', 'V0'])))
console.log(JSON.stringify(f(['V0+', 'V0', 'V16', 'V2', 'VB', 'V6'])))

For Chrome or Edge (+4 bytes):

let f =


console.log(JSON.stringify(f(['V7', 'V12', 'V1'])))
console.log(JSON.stringify(f(['V13', 'V14', 'VB', 'V0'])))
console.log(JSON.stringify(f(['V0+', 'V0', 'V16', 'V2', 'VB', 'V6'])))


We apply 3 successive transformations that lead to lexicographically comparable strings.

s     | Base32 -> dec. | MOD 334 | +s
"VB"  |           1003 |       1 | "1VB"
"V0"  |            992 |     324 | "324V0"
"V0+" |            992 |     324 | "324V0+"
"V1"  |            993 |     325 | "325V1"
"V2"  |            994 |     326 | "326V2"
"V3"  |            995 |     327 | "327V3"
"V4"  |            996 |     328 | "328V4"
"V5"  |            997 |     329 | "329V5"
"V6"  |            998 |     330 | "330V6"
"V7"  |            999 |     331 | "331V7"
"V8"  |           1000 |     332 | "332V8"
"V9"  |           1001 |     333 | "333V9"
"V10" |          31776 |      46 | "46V10"
"V11" |          31777 |      47 | "47V11"
"V12" |          31778 |      48 | "48V12"
"V13" |          31779 |      49 | "49V13"
"V14" |          31780 |      50 | "50V14"
"V15" |          31781 |      51 | "51V15"
"V16" |          31782 |      52 | "52V16"
"V17" |          31783 |      53 | "53V17"

Husk, 5 bytes


Try it online! The results are printed one per line, but internally this is a function that takes and returns a list of strings.


This is surprisingly similar to Martin's Retina answer. First we do Öm±, meaning "order by mapping is-digit". This puts VB, V0 and V0+ in the correct order, since they are compared as [0,0], [0,1] and [0,1,0]. Next we do Öi, meaning "order by integer value". Given a string, i returns the first sequence of digits occurring in it as an integer, or 0 if one is not found. The three strings above are all mapped to 0 and the sort is stable, so they will be in the correct order in the output.