Spring Redis Error Handle
I had the very same problem. I'm developing some data services against a database, using Redis as the cache store by way of Spring Caching annotations. If the Redis server becomes unavailable, I want the services to continue to operate as if uncached, rather than throwing exceptions.
At first I tried a custom CacheErrorHandler, a mechanism provided by Spring. It didn't quite work, because it only handles RuntimeExceptions, and still lets things like java.net.ConnectException blow things up.
In the end what I did is extend RedisTemplate, overriding a few execute() methods so that they log warnings instead of propagating exceptions. It seems like a bit of a hack, and I might have overridden too few execute() methods or too many, but it works like a charm in all my test cases.
There's an important operational aspect to this approach, though. If the Redis server becomes unavailable you must flush it (clean out the entries) before making it available again. Otherwise there's a chance that you might start retrieving cache entries that have incorrect data because of updates that occurred in the meantime.
Below is the source. Feel free to use it. I hope it helps.
import java.util.List;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.data.redis.core.RedisCallback;
import org.springframework.data.redis.core.RedisTemplate;
import org.springframework.data.redis.core.SessionCallback;
import org.springframework.data.redis.core.script.RedisScript;
import org.springframework.data.redis.serializer.RedisSerializer;
* An extension of RedisTemplate that logs exceptions instead of letting them propagate.
* If the Redis server is unavailable, cache operations are always a "miss" and data is fetched from the database.
public class LoggingRedisTemplate<K, V> extends RedisTemplate<K, V> {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LoggingRedisTemplate.class);
public <T> T execute(final RedisCallback<T> action, final boolean exposeConnection, final boolean pipeline) {
try {
return super.execute(action, exposeConnection, pipeline);
catch(final Throwable t) {
logger.warn("Error executing cache operation: {}", t.getMessage());
return null;
public <T> T execute(final RedisScript<T> script, final List<K> keys, final Object... args) {
try {
return super.execute(script, keys, args);
catch(final Throwable t) {
logger.warn("Error executing cache operation: {}", t.getMessage());
return null;
public <T> T execute(final RedisScript<T> script, final RedisSerializer<?> argsSerializer, final RedisSerializer<T> resultSerializer, final List<K> keys, final Object... args) {
try {
return super.execute(script, argsSerializer, resultSerializer, keys, args);
catch(final Throwable t) {
logger.warn("Error executing cache operation: {}", t.getMessage());
return null;
public <T> T execute(final SessionCallback<T> session) {
try {
return super.execute(session);
catch(final Throwable t) {
logger.warn("Error executing cache operation: {}", t.getMessage());
return null;
I have added the answer for Spring boot v2 using LettuceConnectionFactory
public class RedisCacheConfig extends CachingConfigurerSupport implements CachingConfigurer {
private String redisHost;
private int redisPort;
private int redisTimeoutInSecs;
private int redisSocketTimeoutInSecs;
private int redisDataTTL;
// @Autowired
// private ObjectMapper objectMapper;
public LettuceConnectionFactory redisConnectionFactory() {
// LettuceClientConfiguration clientConfig = LettuceClientConfiguration.builder()
// .commandTimeout(Duration.ofSeconds(redisConnectionTimeoutInSecs)).shutdownTimeout(Duration.ZERO).build();
// return new LettuceConnectionFactory(new RedisStandaloneConfiguration(redisHost, redisPort), clientConfig);
final SocketOptions socketOptions = SocketOptions.builder().connectTimeout(Duration.ofSeconds(redisSocketTimeoutInSecs)).build();
final ClientOptions clientOptions = ClientOptions.builder().socketOptions(socketOptions).build();
LettuceClientConfiguration clientConfig = LettuceClientConfiguration.builder()
RedisStandaloneConfiguration serverConfig = new RedisStandaloneConfiguration(redisHost, redisPort);
final LettuceConnectionFactory lettuceConnectionFactory = new LettuceConnectionFactory(serverConfig, clientConfig);
return lettuceConnectionFactory;
public RedisTemplate<Object, Object> redisTemplate() {
RedisTemplate<Object, Object> redisTemplate = new RedisTemplate<Object, Object>();
return redisTemplate;
public RedisCacheManager redisCacheManager(LettuceConnectionFactory lettuceConnectionFactory) {
* If we want to use JSON Serialized with own object mapper then use the below config snippet
// RedisCacheConfiguration redisCacheConfiguration =
// RedisCacheConfiguration.defaultCacheConfig().disableCachingNullValues()
// .entryTtl(Duration.ofHours(redisDataTTL)).serializeValuesWith(RedisSerializationContext.SerializationPair
// .fromSerializer(new GenericJackson2JsonRedisSerializer(objectMapper)));
RedisCacheConfiguration redisCacheConfiguration = RedisCacheConfiguration.defaultCacheConfig().disableCachingNullValues()
RedisCacheManager redisCacheManager = RedisCacheManager.RedisCacheManagerBuilder.fromConnectionFactory(lettuceConnectionFactory)
return redisCacheManager;
public CacheErrorHandler errorHandler() {
return new RedisCacheErrorHandler();
RedisCacheErrorHandler.java is given below
public class RedisCacheErrorHandler implements CacheErrorHandler {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RedisCacheErrorHandler.class);
public void handleCacheGetError(RuntimeException exception, Cache cache, Object key) {
log.info("Unable to get from cache " + cache.getName() + " : " + exception.getMessage());
public void handleCachePutError(RuntimeException exception, Cache cache, Object key, Object value) {
log.info("Unable to put into cache " + cache.getName() + " : " + exception.getMessage());
public void handleCacheEvictError(RuntimeException exception, Cache cache, Object key) {
log.info("Unable to evict from cache " + cache.getName() + " : " + exception.getMessage());
public void handleCacheClearError(RuntimeException exception, Cache cache) {
log.info("Unable to clean cache " + cache.getName() + " : " + exception.getMessage());
* We handle redis connection timeout exception , if the exception is handled then it is treated as a cache miss and
* gets the data from actual storage
* @param exception
private void handleTimeOutException(RuntimeException exception) {
if (exception instanceof RedisCommandTimeoutException)