SQL Server 2008 R2 (Suspect) mode - how to repair?

You cannot repair this database, and the repair you've potentially made has not been complete. You should make sure to understand why your database is becoming corrupt - check your disk system as that's the most likely culprit.

Then restore your database from a backup - but make sure to run DBCC CHECKDB on that very backup to ensure it's not corrupt itself.

DBCC CHECKDB with REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS is the very last resort you should ever go to. Before that, you should restore a valid backup. Once you do use REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS, don't expect your database to magically come back to life again - most likely, irreparable damage has occurred - especially in this case since it complains about system table corruption.

Have you tried what Paul Randal recommends? Creating, detaching, re-attaching, and fixing a suspect database

  1. Create a new dummy database with the exact same file layout and as close as possible to the file sizes of the detached database
  2. Shutdown SQL Server
  3. Swap the corrupt database files
  4. Re-start SQL Server
  5. Use emergency-mode repair

I ran into a similar issue. However, I was unable to get the database out of suspect as the backups were suspect as well. I used the exporting functionality in SSMS to move the tables and data to new blank database.

This however does not move all of your stored procedures, views, functions, etc. I have a copy of RedGate's SQL Compare (which I highly recommend to anyone working with SQL schemas on a regular basis) that handled all of the structure migration. So it made the process fairly painless. RedGate has a 14 day trial on their software if you need to use it.

If you only have tables, or a small amount of procedures, views, etc., You can use SSMS's "Generate Scripts" function to make creation scripts for these items, then run them on your new DB.

RedGate's SQL Compare: http://www.red-gate.com/products/sql-development/sql-compare/