TikZ: How to draw an optical encoder wheel?
For example:
\coordinate (c1) at (0, 0);
% Wheel markings
let \n0={360/\wheelMarks} in
\foreach \i in {1, ..., \wheelMarks} {
let \n1={\i*\n0} in
(c1) -- (\n1:\outerRadius)
arc(\n1:\n1 + \n0/2:\outerRadius)
-- ($(c1) + (\n1 + \n0/2:\innerRadius)$)
arc(\n1 + \n0/2:\n1:\innerRadius)
-- cycle
% Wheel circles
(c1) circle[radius=\outerRadius]
% Center markings with circle and cross
($(c1) - (\cLen, 0)$) -- ++(2*\cLen, 0)
($(c1) - (0, \cLen)$) -- ++(0, 2*\cLen)
another solution to make absolute encoder
\foreach \nb in {0,1,2,3,4,5}{
\draw (0,0) circle (\Rext);
\foreach \aa in {1,...,\nbfentes}{
\draw[fill,rotate=2*\aa*\pas] (0:\Rint) -- (0:\Rext) arc (0:\pas:\Rext) -- (\pas:\Rint ) arc (\pas:0:\Rint);
Another solution is to use dashed circle in place of a loop.
% parameters to set
% some calculations
% the picture
\draw circle(\minR/4) (-\minR/2,0) -- (\minR/2,0) (0,-\minR/2) -- (0,\minR/2);
\draw circle(\minR) circle(\maxR);
\draw[line width=\dR cm,dash pattern=on \dM cm off \dM cm] circle(\midR);