Using named matches from Go regex

The other approaches will throw an error when a match wasn't found for a 'named group'.

The following, however, creates a map with whatever named groups were actually found:

func findNamedMatches(regex *regexp.Regexp, str string) map[string]string {
    match := regex.FindStringSubmatch(str)

    results := map[string]string{}
    for i, name := range match {
        results[regex.SubexpNames()[i]] = name
    return results

This approach will just return the map with the named group matches. If there are no matches, it'll just return an empty map. I've found that's much easier to deal with than errors being thrown if a match isn't found.

You can reference your named capture groups by utilizing map as follows:

package main

import (

var myExp = regexp.MustCompile(`(?P<first>\d+)\.(\d+).(?P<second>\d+)`)

func main() {
    match := myExp.FindStringSubmatch("1234.5678.9")
    result := make(map[string]string)
    for i, name := range myExp.SubexpNames() {
        if i != 0 && name != "" {
            result[name] = match[i]
    fmt.Printf("by name: %s %s\n", result["first"], result["second"])


I don't have the reputation to comment so forgive me if this shouldn't be an 'answer', but I found the above answer helpful so I wrapped it in to a function:

func reSubMatchMap(r *regexp.Regexp, str string) (map[string]string) {
    match := r.FindStringSubmatch(str)
    subMatchMap := make(map[string]string)
    for i, name := range r.SubexpNames() {
        if i != 0 {
            subMatchMap[name] = match[i]

    return subMatchMap

Example usage on Playground:

Hope this is helpful to someone else. Love the ease of named capture groups in Go.

You can use regroup library for that


package main

import (


var myExp = regroup.MustCompile(`(?P<first>\d+)\.(\d+).(?P<second>\d+)`)

func main() {
    match, err := myExp.Groups("1234.5678.9")
    if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("by name: %s %s\n", match["first"], match["second"])


You can also use a struct for that:

package main

import (


type Example struct {
    First  int `regroup:"first"`
    Second int `regroup:"second"`

var myExp = regroup.MustCompile(`(?P<first>\d+)\.(\d+).(?P<second>\d+)`)

func main() {
    res := &Example{}
    err := myExp.MatchToTarget("1234.5678.9", res)
    if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("by struct: %+v\n", res)



