Validating Array Keys in Laravel 5.2

If you have control over the input data structure, I suggest to modify it to the following:

  "availabilities" => [
      "id": "z",
      "data" : [0 => "foo"]
      "id": 2,
      "data" : [0 => "bar"]


Then adjust your validation rules, to validate against your database for example

public function rules {
    return [
        'availabilities' => 'filled',
        'availabilities.*.id' => 'required|integer|exists:days_of_week,id',
        'availabilities.*.data' => 'required|array'
        // etc...

@Jurriën Dokter 's answer is a work around and uses PHP functions not Laravel rules, It works but if you really want to benefit from Laravel validation rules you have to tweak the validation request a little bit. Here's how:
Make a custom request:

php artisan make:request NameOfRequest  

Place the following function in the request:

protected function prepareForValidation()
        'availabilities_ids' => array_keys($this->get('availabilities'))

In the rules:

    public function rules()
        return [
            // place your other rules here .. 
            'availabilities'       => 'required|array|min:1',
            'availabilities.*'     => 'array',
            'availabilities_ids'      => 'exists:App\Models\Availability,id'

This way you get the benefit of using Laravel's native validation rules through modifying the request params before validation.
See this link to know more about prepareForValidation

You can do this by adding a custom validator. See also:

For example:

\Validator::extend('integer_keys', function($attribute, $value, $parameters, $validator) {
    return is_array($value) && count(array_filter(array_keys($value), 'is_string')) === 0;

You can then check the input with:

'availabilities' => 'required|array|integer_keys',

Found the array check here: How to check if PHP array is associative or sequential?


Laravel 5.2