Wordpress API JSON return limit
If you're using v2 of the WordPress REST API, it looks like the current method of controlling the number of results returned is:
Replace 100 with the desired count.
If you're using a custom post type, replace posts with the custom post type. Also make sure to set 'show_in_rest' => true
when configuring the custom post type.
Add the filter[posts_per_page] parameter to the query to restrict the number of results returned by the API.
http://thisismywebsitewherewordpresslives.com/wp-json/posts?filter[posts_per_page]=2&fiter[category_name]=Some Category Name I want to query&filter[order]=ASC
The above query should return only 2 results. The list of query parameters are present here https://github.com/WP-API/WP-API/blob/master/docs/routes/routes.md#retrieve-posts
As another said : (v2)
But If you want to get more next posts : (paged)
Docs : http://v2.wp-api.org/reference/posts/ (Scroll to List Posts)