Initial ng-model value not set in select

In a function if the below code is added and the same is called from the ng-init then the issue is also getting resolved. This will resolve the string comparison issue.

$scope.Ctrl.type = "" + $scope.Ctrl.type + "";

I often run into this when using number id's. My way around this quirk is to add ''+ to convert it to string type:

<select ng-options="'' as for u in users"

Found the problem:

The array returned by Ctrl.getAddressTypes() was an array of strings:

["0", "1", "2", "3", "1"]

and what was stored in Ctrl.type was of type number.

AngularJS compares the array supplied to ng-options to the value supplied to ng-model using the '===' operator. 3 does not equal to "3" in that case - that's why it did not work.