Inline citations with only author, title and year

Probably not the most efficient way to do this (I'm new to biblatex), but it works

\usepackage[backend=bibtex, style=authoryear-comp]{biblatex}

  author =       {Kennedy, Marc C. and O'Hagan, Anthony},
  title =        {Bayesian calibration of computer models},
  journal =      {Journal of the royal statistical society: series b (statistical methodology)},
  year =         2001,
  volume =    63,
  number =    3,
  pages =     {425-464}}


\newcommand{\customcite}[1]{\citeauthor{#1}, \citetitle{#1}, \citeyear{#1}}



Probably the most straightforward way is to define a new citation command:


The same answer as @Oleg Domanov but also adding a hyperlink to the citation:


author = {Author, A.},
year = {2001},
title = {Alpha},
author = {Buthor, B.},
year = {2002},
title = {Bravo},




In this cite \customcite{A01} I do get a link now.



enter image description here

Related questions:

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  2. Suppress quotes or other markup in \citetitle
  3. Make \cite{my reference} show name and year
  4. hyperlinking author names in biblatex when using \citeauthor
  5. biblatex+hyperref: citetitle/citeauthor and get hyperlink
  6. Hanging references using \fullcite
  7. Using printfield of biblatex without formatting
  8. How to extract BibTeX entries (as DOI, abstract, etc.)
  9. Custom \cite command
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  13. Alternative \citetitle command without italics
  14. Is bibtex unable to \cite specific entry (author, title) in latex?
  15. How do I cite author in LaTeX?
  16. Cite title and author with one command