Drupal - Insert row into a view

I found the function I was looking for. You can insert nodes in the results array just after the query has been executed.

This goes in the module:

function modulename_views_post_execute(&$view) {
  // wait for the right view
  if($view->name == "name_of_the_view") {
    // create the object you want to insert in the result
    $temp = new stdClass;
    // creation date of that node   
    $temp->node_created = 1314807643;
    // nodeID
    $temp->nid = 13;

    $new_result_array = array();
    $i = 0;
    foreach($view->result as $single_result) {
      if($i == 2) {
        // insert the extra node at 3rd position
        $new_result_array[] = $temp;
        $new_result_array[] = $single_result;
      } else {
        $new_result_array[] = $single_result;
    // replace the old result array
    $view->result = $new_result_array;

