Install dependency (doctrine/dbal) on composer laravel

If you are getting error while running migration try this

composer require doctrine/dbal:2.*

To add this dependency open the composer.json at the root of your project (in the same level as app, public etc.) and in the require section add the doctrine/dbal package like:

"require": {
    "laravel/framework": "4.1.*",
    "doctrine/dbal": "v2.4.2"

Save the file and run composer update


You probably installed git with the default settings and it's not in your PATH env.

Open Git Bash (it was installed with git - you will find it in your programs) and do composer update. By the way it's far better that windows command prompt.

1) To install dependency , run this command

composer require doctrine/dbal

2) For 'git' is not recognized error, either you don't have git installed or the PATH is not added in the environment variables.

Install git for windows.