Install gdal using conda?

I just made the mistake of executing the previously proposed command in the base environment of Conda:

conda install -c conda-forge gdal

This took ages to "solve environment" and, in the end, found numerous conflicts which halted the installation.

Given that, I instead created a separate environment with:

conda create -n gdal python=3.8

And activated it with:

conda activate gdal

And then executed the first command (as well as all others listed in the documentation). This worked fast and without any errors.

For windows users (as of December 2015):

conda install gdal
conda upgrade numpy

Installing gdal will downgrade numpy, so then upgrade it back up. I recently had occasion to use windows for a change and I was pleasantly surprised that gdal "works" easily now.

Windows+python+gis people worldwide should be celebrating this. (that gdal-python goes in easily on windows...not that windows is one step closer to linux ;) )


